Regular POTD Drum Circles
Special Events

There are no regular free drums circles at this time.





Host a hand drumming clinic

If your group or organization would like to learn more about group recreational drumming, contact Dennis to give one of his acclaimed workshops.

Recreational Drumming Workshop
Focus on Universal Rhythms as applied to various percussion instruments, as well as rhythms from many cultures of the world. The emphasis is on learning how to play, and what to play in group settings.
Clinics will cover group drumming techniques, improvisation, dynamics, two tone drumming, techniques of various percussion instruments (frame drums, goblet shaped drum, shakers, bells etc.), cultural beats of Brazil, Africa, Cuba, with an emphasis on Universal (cross cultural) drumming. Clinics are multi layered and perfect for the beginner and intermediate player. Clinics are taught with patience and humor.

If you are interested in hosting this event please contact.
Phone 860-648-2220 or E-mail


Copyrigtht 2008 Power of the Drum / Dennis Cotton