check these fine organizations that I believe are doing
great work and are worthy or our support.
I believe in Charities/Organizations that
do more than just provide food. The following organizations
provide SUSTAINABLE help to people in need. It is a hand-up,
not a hand out.
Check them out:
In the "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day, teach a man to
fish and you feed him for a lifetime" category, here is an organization
that I just love. It provides the means for people to start an agricultural
business based around a simple foot operated water pump. Read all about this
incredible organization
This great organization
has a gift catalog that allows you to buy a goat or a
flock of chickens or even a heifer for a village in need.
These animals provide a sustainable food supply. Heifer
International also has a printable catalog and gift cards.
Check them out and give what you can.
But Nets
You can buy a bed net and
save someone from malaria for
as little as $10.00.
A solution so simple can save millions of lives. Check
it out
was honored to do a program at Tunxis College on the hottest
day in June in Connecticut. Here are three video clips
of the program posted by James Revillini.
Below are the links and comments made by James.
Thanks everyone for the great time! Can't wait for our
next session in September. (DC)
Hello Folks,
We humbly present to you some video footage, as well as
a remix video, of the Power of the Drum event held this
past June. The recording kind of happened spontaneously
in the second half, so unfortunately, not everyone who
came is seen in the videos. Next time, we’ll be
sure to get the whole thing on tape.
of the Drum @ Tunxis, Part I –
this has a lot of vocal interaction and some drumming.
Dennis is not just a professional drummer, but a facilitator
who taught us a lot about drumming, drum theory, and how
to come together rhythmically.
of the Drum @ Tunxis, Part II –
this video jumps right into a 10 minute jam – not
bad, huh?!
of the Drum @ Tunxis, The Remix –
Mike Zych had a little fun with this cut. It’s short
and fun.
A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped and played
and watched and everything!
Ken Colangelo – Videographer
Michael Zych – Producer/Editor
Dennis Cotton – Drum Circle Facilitator/Guest Speaker
Tunxis Faculty & Staff - Drum Circle Participants
Estelle Carenza – Event Coordinator
Me – Event Coordinator
Jaime Arias of Drumming Works came by one of my circles
with his video camera. He posted the results on You Tube.
Fun, Fun, Fun!
here for video
Some people I admire.......

Here I am with the man who started it all. The father
of the Facilitated Drum Circle; Arthur Hull.
The man who proved drumming has measurable medical benefits,
Dr. Barry Bittman (left), myself (center), and master
facilitator and keynote speaker, Christine Stevens.
Without a doubt the most fun guy to have dinner with
in all the world. My fellow REMO endorser, Dr. Craig Woodson,
ethnomusicologist extraordinaire.
Check out his
fantastic website Roots of Rhythm
of the Drum is powered
by REMO Drums and Percussion
Visit them at